The value of organizations and companies is increasingly measured by their awareness of social responsibility.
In this context, sustainability and social responsibility are among the most important issues of the future.
The performance of an organization (company) vis-à-vis the society in which it operates, as well as the impact of an organization on its overall environment, has become a decisive evaluation criterion of its overall performance and thus objective assessment. Organizations are subject to increasingly intense scrutiny by their various stakeholders, such as customers or consumers, employees and their unions, members, non-governmental organizations, investors, partner companies and others. Through the EU – Accounting Directive with RL 2014/95/EU, crucial elements for sustainable corporate governance (see also: Corporate Social Responsibility – CSR) are included and companies are obliged to be accountable to the public (see also: UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, 2nd edition / June 2014).
This International Management Standard CSR 26001:2018 “Social Responsibility-Requirements” has been developed by the QSCert Group as a globally applicable standard to enable certification, monitoring, supplier, partner and customer audits to be conducted in organizations and companies.
The aim of this international standard CSR 26001:2018 is to enable all types of organizations and companies to demonstrate to the so-called stakeholders, through an internationally recognized social responsibility certificate, that the requirements for a social responsibility management system are met and that a continuous process for improvement is maintained.

Example: CSR 26001:2018 Certificate