EMAS environmental verification
EMAS is a scheme for environmental management and auditing. It is a voluntary European Union tool created for organizations to help assess, manage and improve their environmental performance. You can find more information about the EMAS scheme at www.emas.sk
The EMAS scheme is based on the ISO 14001 standard with several additional requirements. One of the requirements is the successful verification of the Environmental Statement and the environmental management system by an accredited environmental verifier.
In a case of your interest in verifying your Environmental Statement and Environmental Management System,, the procedure is very simple:
- Fill in “Request for Offer”
- Following the filled “Request for Offer” we shall prepare the proposal of application for certification (“Offer”)
- After accepting (signing) the “Offer” by you we shall prepare proposal of “Certification Agreement”
- After “Certification Agreement” signing by both contractual parties, contract becomes valid and binding – “Certification Agreement” is signed for the period of 3 years (validity of Certificate is also 3 years)
- During 3 years of “Certification Agreement” validity we shall perform 1 Initial Environmental Verification audit and 2 Surveillance Environmental Verifications (see below)
- Before the Contract expires, we will contact you to contract for another 3-year cycle – Repeated environmental verification and two Surveillance environmental verifications.
From the certification body point of view the management systems certification process has following stages:
- Preparation stage
- Initial environmental verification – 1. stage
- Initial environmental verification – 2. stage
- Decision on validation of the environmental statement
- Maintaining the validity of the environmental statement validation
Preparation stage
Preparation stage is the stage comprising the environmental verification. Certification body shall delegate the audit team. Audit team is responsible for the date and scope of verification.
Initial environmental verification – 1. stage
First stage of the EV is carried out to assess the documentation, the level of implementation of the requirements of Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council, as amended by Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1505 and Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/2026 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) and the state of readiness for the 2nd stage of the EO.
At this stage, EMAS auditors review:
- the appropriateness of the processing of the Initial Environmental Review
- the processed documentation of the environmental management system
- the implementation of the planned internal audit programme
- the preparation of the Environmental Statement and consideration of reference documents for the relevant sector, if available
Initial environmental verification – 2. stage
Second stage, EMAS auditors review documentation, visit the organisation, carry out on-site inspections and interview staff. EMAS auditors verify compliance with all requirements regarding:
- reliability, trustworthiness and accuracy of the data and information provided in the Initial Environmental Review and the Environmental Statement
- implementation of a fully functional environmental management system
- implementation of the planned internal audit programme in full
- completion of the management review
- compliance with applicable Community legal requirements as well as national, regional and local legal requirements relating to the environment
- continuous improvement of the organisation’s environmental performance
The output document is the Environmental Verification Report. The report is drawn up by the lead auditor, who is also responsible for its completeness and accuracy
Decision on validation of the environmental statement and planning of the verification cycle
The Director of QSCert decides on the validation of the Environmental Statement and the Updated Environmental Statement. In case of a positive decision, the Director signs the “Environmental Verifier’s Statement on Verification and Validation”, which is valid for one year and at the same time signs the Environmental Statement prepared by the organization.
QSCert plans a verification cycle that ensures the verification of all elements required for registration and renewal of registration
Maintaining the validity of the environmental statement validation is carried out through:
- Surveillance environmental verifications
- Repeated environmental verification
Surveillance environmental verification (first and second)
Verification is carried out before the expiry of the Environmental Verifier’s Statement of Verification and Validation (at intervals not exceeding 12 months).
For the purpose of verification for the renewal of registration, EMAS auditors check that the organisation fulfils at least the following requirements:
- the organisation has carried out an internal audit of its environmental performance and compliance with applicable legal requirements relating to the environment
- the organisation demonstrates ongoing compliance with applicable legal requirements relating to the environment and continuous improvement of its environmental performance
- the organisation has prepared an updated environmental statement, taking into account reference documents for the relevant sector, if available.
The output document is the Environmental Verification Report, which is prepared by the EMAS Lead Auditor.
Subsequently, the QSCert Director decides on the validation of the Updated Environmental Statement (see description in Decision on validation of the Environmental Statement)
Repeated environmental verification
Verification is carried out before the expiry of the Environmental Verifier’s Statement of Verification and Validation (at intervals not exceeding 12 months).
For the purpose of verification for the renewal of registration, EMAS auditors check whether the organisation meets at least the following requirements:
- a fully functional environmental management system
- the organisation has a fully planned audit programme, with at least one audit cycle completed
- the organisation has carried out one management review
- the organisation has prepared the Environmental Statement and reference documents for the relevant sector have been taken into account, if available
The output document is the Environmental Verification Protocol, which is prepared by the EMAS Lead Auditor.
Subsequently, the QSCert Director decides on the validation of the Environmental Statement processed for the next 3 years (see description in Decision on validation of the Environmental Statement)
Extraordinary supervisory environmental verification
If the registered organization plans to implement significant changes, EMAS auditors will review:
- updated initial environmental review, revised environmental policy, environmental performance program, environmental management system focusing on changes including their environmental aspects and impacts, updated environmental statement.
- all revised and updated documents are verified and validated within six months.
The output document is the Environmental Verification Report, which is prepared by the EMAS lead auditor.
Subsequently, the QSCert Director decides on the validation of the Updated Environmental Statement (see description in Decision on validation of the Environmental Statement)
Procedure for submitting a complaint
Complaints against the activities of the certification body must be submitted in writing to the e-mail address qscert@qscert.sk or to the address of the certification body.
Based on the examination of the complaint, QSCert will inform the complainant about the method of resolving the complaint or about the steps that will be taken to investigate the complaint and their time horizons.
Appeal against the action of the QSCert certification body
In the event that the QSCert certification body does not issue a certificate to the client or withdraws the certificate, the client is entitled within 30 days from the date of delivery of the notice of such action to file an appeal against this action to the commission for the protection of the impartiality of the QSCert certification body. The appeal is submitted in writing. The exact procedure for filing an appeal is specified in the Certification Agreement.